Hi everyone, Since the middle of July, traffic in the marketplace for lake vacation homes has seen a definite increase. The price range that people are coming in at has also raised as well, with strong interest in the mid 300K marketplace. Lakefronts on the high end over 900K has also seen more traffic. Interest rates are at ALL time lows, and prices on these homes is also down from the beggining of the year. If you have an interest in a lake home, now is a GREAT time to look. Click HERE to Visit my website!
Hi Everyone... 2018 was a Great Year On Lake Wally! 2019 looks like a repeat! The buyers are out again, interest rate are still at historical lows. Winter is finally gone, sunshine has come back to make us all smile again. So lets get together and see some lake houses to get you into the fun by summer! And if you are looking to sell your lake property or buy your lake property please think of me... Dave Rottkamp ... Your Lake Specialist!